Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sports Coaching with Wanganui City College

On Wednesday the 8th of August Wanganui City College PE students came to our school to earn credits for NCEA. The students were working for Coaching Credits.  The sports that they coached were Rugby, Basket Ball, Volleyball, Ki-o-rahi and Football.  They also returned on the 22nd of August, along with a student coaching hockey.                                                                                                         

Rugby- WIS students are playing a game where they were running around but shouldn’t be tagged.  They also can’t go out of the four poles.

Football- the people practicing their dribbling skills

Ki-o-Rahi- people trying to get the ball to hit the blue bin.

Volleyball -people hitting the ball to each other.
Basketball- WIS students taking a Basketball shot.


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