Thursday, June 14, 2012

Museum Trip

Museum Trip:
30th May 2012
Matariki AND Puanga
Room 9
Our trip to the Whanganui Regional Museum and the Cosmo-dome.

The boys with Mr Ron Fisher outside the Cosmodome

On Wednesday the 30th of May Mr Fisher had his cosmodome at the Whanganui District Museum.  He showed us about the stars of Matariki inside the Cosmo-dome.
He told us the meanings of the stars and constellations and how Orion got chased by the scorpion because he overhunted and was too greedy.
After that he showed us a fast forwarded video of the sun rising, and then going down, the moon rising and then finally coming into view was Matariki.  The Seven Sisters, along with Puanga, were very bright in the sky.
We learnt how the Milky Way goes with Orion’s Belt.  I have found a picture that will show you how it all goes:
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 This is the ORIONS belt and the Milky Way. Room 9 had an awesome day learning about the Matariki and the Seven Stars.
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By: Masey, Charlotte, Ayla.

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