Thursday, June 14, 2012

Right - to keep this up-to-date weekly!

We have, as you can see, been quietly working on Blog posts.  It is great to see the final products all on-line after a number of glitches.  There are still more to be added as they are completed which will give a great overview of our learning journey.
Please read your child's work and be proud of the effort they have put in.
Vicki H

Speed Stacking

Speed Stacking
Every Tuesday we have sports and we can choose to go to different sports. A solution we have for those who are not so keen on physical activity is speed stacking.   This is when we use a special kind of cup, with three holes in the base of it, and comes in a set of twelve. They look like this:
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We have been learning how to Speed Stack.  Most of us aren’t that good at it yet, but some are. Some can do their full cycle of stacks in 20 seconds or less. We have been making a challenge ladder.  The ladder is to see where we are at. The person at the top will have the fastest time.
One day we made a Greater stack and it was so fun.  The Room 8 Stacking group challenged us to see if we could build the biggest stack without knocking it down. We kind-of won. We may have cheated a little because we had more cups than the other class. But we can’t bring it down without making a mess. One of the kids got a cone and threw at the final stack crashing it to the floor.    



Created by Zoe

Museum Trip

Museum Trip:
30th May 2012
Matariki AND Puanga
Room 9
Our trip to the Whanganui Regional Museum and the Cosmo-dome.

The boys with Mr Ron Fisher outside the Cosmodome

On Wednesday the 30th of May Mr Fisher had his cosmodome at the Whanganui District Museum.  He showed us about the stars of Matariki inside the Cosmo-dome.
He told us the meanings of the stars and constellations and how Orion got chased by the scorpion because he overhunted and was too greedy.
After that he showed us a fast forwarded video of the sun rising, and then going down, the moon rising and then finally coming into view was Matariki.  The Seven Sisters, along with Puanga, were very bright in the sky.
We learnt how the Milky Way goes with Orion’s Belt.  I have found a picture that will show you how it all goes:
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 This is the ORIONS belt and the Milky Way. Room 9 had an awesome day learning about the Matariki and the Seven Stars.
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By: Masey, Charlotte, Ayla.

Revolution Tour

On Wednesday 16th May the Revolution group came to Wanganui Intermediate School.
The group that came did two shows they were dancing and acting.
We hope that they got their message into all of us that we’re all precious and the most expensive person, that we’re the only one like us.  That was their message for this year. 
They had a boy vs girl dance off.  For once the boys won - that was the first time that the boys had won in a long time in the dance off.
When they finished there were people walking around with camera’s so they could take pictures with the groups that performed.  Kids were getting free tickets for being the best dancers.  It was a great experience for everyone.  We all had a great time and we can’t wait for next year.
By  Nadia, Ryan and Blair

Dancing Lessons

For four weeks we have been doing dance. We learnt 3 different dances and a warm-up game too. We went to dance every Tuesday and Thursday. The person that taught us the dances is named Mark.

The first dance was Thriller. We did this for the first couple of weeks. Most people liked this dance because we got to do jazz moves and the boys liked it how we got to die in the end. (NOT FOR REAL!).
We are doing our Thriller dance and we were told that it should look like we have broken our legs

We have just risen from the dead.

We learnt a changing partner dance. It was called the Merengue.   Merengue  is when we change a partner and we are changing to our left. The steps were simple to follow because Mark knew that it would be easier to learn and we would have fun.

This is the change of the partner dance. The boys say they think it is gross to dance with girls.

We learnt the Tango dance.  The Tango dance is where you don’t change partner. This dance might be used in our Socials, as will the Merengue dance. At the end the boys swing the girls and it is funny when the girls fall over.

In this dance we had to dance with our eyes shut and if we opened our eyes we would lose House Points.

We had so much fun doing these dances for four weeks. We hope that you liked presentation which was written by Michaela, Zoe and Joel from Room 9, Wanganui Intermediate.  We hope you enjoy the rest of the blogs.

Anzac Day

Dawn Service Wanganui
Remember those who fought for our country and died.
It is held at dawn because that was the time when they stormed the beaches of Gallipoli.
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The picture above is the beaches at Gallipoli
12000 ANZAC men lost their lives for our country and 28000 were wounded.
The bagpipes started and Ronan’s Sea Cadet Parade started to march off.   Brandon marched up behind the parade.
Once we got to the top of the hill we all gathered round to remember those who fought for our country.
We lay wreaths at the Cenotaph as part of the service, then we go to the Memorial Hall for a rum and coffee before we departed.
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Ronan and Brandon